Saturday, September 5, 2009
So many girls with HIM. Im trying to be strong to accept tat. wat should i do???? any suggestion???? i have to get HIM out of my mind NOW!!!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
well, i'll try to explain with this awesome picture...

you would say this words when you love someone..."I LOVE YOU"
its about your emotion, affection and attachment...
s'agapo means I love you in Greek
Wo ai ni, "I love you" in Chinese
Aku cinta kamu in Indonesian
I Love you= ik hou van jou in Dutch
so many ways to show your love...with your act, words, etc.

Interpersonal love refers to love between human beings
It is a more potent sentiment than a simple liking for another. Unrequited love refers to those feelings of love that are not reciprocated. Interpersonal love is most closely associated with interpersonal relationships. Such love might exist between family members, friends, and couples.
i always do anything with Great Love...

The psychology of love
In companionate love, basic friendship and trust are essential, but romantic feelings basically disappear. However, new research suggests that some couples keep
romantic feelings alive for much longer

The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure to intense interpersonal attraction. The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure ("I loved that meal") to intense interpersonal attraction ("I love my girlfriend"). This diversity of uses and meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states. As humans became civilized love developed from instinct to emotion. As an abstract concept, love usually refers to a deep...

if you love someone, you would see his/her eyes deeply...
Eyes can't lie...always tell the truth, Eye shows everything that you feel now especially when you are in love...
and do you think that LOVE is sooooo funny ah???

ehm...i often to think about that...Love in the first sight is one of Funny love (i lol lol .... why??? i dunno, can't explain, just wondering).
and what about my LOVE?????
(it needs a lot of question marks to answer it...hihihihi)

(huuu...its damn picture...hihihi)
well, i dunno at all!!!
Now, often to think about someone in NC...i dunno whether he thinks of me or not. But,sometimes i'm missing him...missing the chatting time with him on YM...I like him but i dunno if i love him or not...actually, fiuhhh...hard to say that hes a playboy!!! Oh My Gosh!!! First time in my life that I LIKE A DAMN PLAYBOY LIKE HIM!!! how pity me...but what should i say ah??? LIKE is LIKE...LOVE is LOVE
LIKE and LOVE is totally different. I like him but it doesn't mean that i love him, right???
Man of April

Mark Sinclair Vincent or VIN DIESEL in New York City, the son of Delora, a psychiatrist and astrologer. Diesel is biracial and has Italian and black ancestry. He has described himself as "definitely a person of color" and stated that he is "of ambiguous ethnicity - Italian and a lot of other stuff". Diesel has never met his biological father, and was raised by his African-American stepfather, Irving, an acting instructor and theater manager.
VIN DIESEL is an American actor, writer, director and producer. He became known in the early 2000s, appearing in several successful Hollywood films, including The Fast and the Furious and xXx. He founded the production companies One Race Films, Tigon Studios, and Racetrack Records.
Diesel is noted for his recognizable deep voice(which i love his lol lol), he has said that his voice broke naturally at around age 15, giving him a mature sounding voice on the telephone.

Around 2001, Diesel dated his The Fast and the Furious co-star, Michelle Rodriguez.
(hiks...hiks...Cryin mode on)
While Diesel was visiting the Dominican Republic in October 2005, a 23-year-old architecture student accused Diesel of trying to have her kicked out of the bar for refusing to go back to his hotel room. Diesel denied the allegations, citing the club's history of problems unrelated to him.
Diesel reportedly claimed that he prefers dating in Europe, where he is less likely to be recognized and where celebrities are not romantically linked to each other. He prefers to maintain his privacy regarding his personal life.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
WIKIPEDIA : Koalisi adalah persekutuan, gabungan atau aliansi beberapa unsur, di mana dalam kerjasamanya, masing-masing memiliki kepentingan sendiri-sendiri. Aliansi seperti ini mungkin bersifat sementara atau berasas manfaat. Dalam pemerintahan dengan sistem parlementer, sebuah pemerintahan koalisi adalah sebuah pemerintahan yang tersusun dari koalisi beberapa partai.
Sistem pemerintahan Indonesia tersusun dari koalisi beberapa partai.
Koalisi dilakukan partai agar masing-masing kader dari partai tersebut dapat menempati kursi di DPR.
Lalu, bagaimanakah dengan koalisi partai di pilpres pada 8 Juli nanti?
Begini, Perolehan suara lewat perhitungan cepat (quick count) yang dirilis sejumlah lembaga survei menunjukkan Partai Demokrat menang mutlak terhadap partai lainnya. Tidak heran bila Partai Demokrat mulai bergerak untuk menyusun koalisi dan menentukan cawapresnya. Banyaknya partai yang mendekati Demokrat untuk berkoalisi dengan harapan agar para wakil dari masing-masing partai dapat duduk di kursi empuk DPR. SBY mengaku bahwa Demokrat telah melakukan komunikasi dengan sejumlah tokoh politik yang lain untuk menjajaki koalisi, seperti Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB), PAN, PKPI, PDP, Partai Pelopor, dan PBB. "Itu sudah kita bicarakan. Tepat jika sekarang kita intensifkan," tuturnya.
Menurut kalian, partai apa saja yang cocok berkoalisi agar dapat memimpin 5 tahun mendatang?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Model Cantik dengan 1 tangan dan 4 ginjal!!!

Maryelan loughran adalah model belia yang cantik dan bertalenta. Terlahir hanya dengan 1 tangan tidak mengurangi pesonanya sebagai seorang model. Gadis berumur 15 tahun ini memiliki 4 ginjal dan didera sindrom MOTILITY
(sindrom yang yang menyebabkan perutnya tidak bisa mencerna makanan apapun). Akibatnya, ia hanya bisa menerima asupan makanan melalui kantong makanan yang dihubungkan melalui selang kemudian memasukan cairan makanan kedalam perutnya.
Selama 16 jam mulai pukul 05.00 pagi hingga 21.00 malam– makanan cair dipompakan ke dalam perutnya melalui kantong tersebut.
Makanan cair tersebut mengandung protein, karbohidrat, vitamin maupun lemak yang dibutuhkan tubuh. Setiap melakukan perjalanan ke manapun, Maryelen harus membawa serta perlengkapan makanannya tersebut.
Walaupun dengan kekurangan yang dimilikinya tersebut, tidak membuatnya menjadi malu ataupun minder karena ia lebih menutupinya dengan menonjolkan kelebihannya. Terbukti dengan diraihnya sabuk biru karate. Sekarang Maryelen mencoba peruntungan di dunia modeling. Ia berhasil menyingkirkan ribuan kontestan di ajang kontes model nasional, Teen Princess, di Inggris. Ia masuk ke putaran final final kontes tersebut. Maryelen berhasil mengikuti kontes tersebut setelah talentanya dilihat pencari bakat di Clothes Show di NEC, Birmingham.
“Saya remaja yang menyukai fashion. Jadi saya memutuskan untuk pergi ke Clothes Show dan melihat-lihat sekelilingnya. Saat itulah saya bertemu dengan fotografer dari Teen Princess,” kenang Maryelen.
Ia mengakui, menjadi seorang model memang tidak pernah terlintas dalam pikirannya, hanya merupakan impian saat kecil. Kini ia ingin mengambil kesempatan besar ini.
“Memiliki keterbatasan seperti saya, akan selalu berpikir terus- menerus mengenai keterbatasan tersebut. Namun saya ingin menjadi wanita mandiri yang kuat, tanpa harus memedulikan omongan orang lain,” ujarnya, lugas.
Maryelen menyebut nama Jordan alias Katie Price sebagai idolanya. Bukannya ia ingin menjadi seorang model glamor seperti halnya Jordan, tetapi semangat yang dimiliki wanita seksi itulah yang memicunya.
Di samping bersiap-siap dengan final kontes modeling tersebut, Maryelen juga harus mempersiapkan dirinya menjelang operasi besar yang akan dijalani Mei mendatang. Operasi ini bertujuan untuk membenahi kantong lambungnya yang bermasalah.
Angela, 46, ibunda Maryelen, mengakui putrinya sedikit khawatir menjelang operasi yang akan dijalaninya tersebut. “Untungnya ia selalu merasa kuat dan mau menjajal apapun untuk pertama kalinya. Putri saya benar-benar memberikan inspirasi dan kesenangan bagi kami semua,” pujinya, bangga.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Woman's talk
yeah...shes my gorgeous lovely mom...

She asked,"Ben...wheres ur boyfriend ah???"
OMG!!! should i answer that question ah???
but finally, i just laughed and gave my BIG smile to lol lol
Talking to my mom about my LOVE is very sensitive, especially for me.
Although, i have questions and too shy to ask her about this.
well, i kno tat shes trying to support me...
but actually, i dun even care with my LOVE...coz, for me, my biggest LOVE is for My Gorgeous mom and my Great dad...
I dun want give My LOVE to a person easily...through i right???
When my mom was young...shes so popular and very beautiful at her school...shes also talented(or maybe i should say that SHES SUPER TALENTED). So many people like her or maybe LOVE her...and i shocked when she said that 22 man waiting for her to get her LOVE!!!
once again, OMG!!!
i took deep breath and stay lol lol
well, wat a lucky man for my dad to get her LOVE!!!
She said that i have to look for RICH LOVE man, a man that rich of LOVE to me (or maybe rich of lol lol...secara hari gini mo idup cuma bermodalkan CINTA is bullshit man!!! am i right???") but it doesnt mean tat i'm materialistic...i'm not rich...but i wanna rich with my own way, with my mao 'minta' dari mahluk 'PRIA'
another thing tat we have to concern is about his personality...very important!!!
Is he good enough???is he friendly??? or Is he psycho??? hahahahha....
Friday, March 27, 2009
Song of this month (march)
well, I'm trying to mention it to you guys...
1. If U seek Amy - Britney Spears
2. My life would suck without you - Kelly Clarkson
3. Superhuman - Chris Brown feat Keri Hilson
4. Halo - Beyonce Knowles
5. Jai Ho - Pussycat Dolls
6. Fearless - Taylor Swift
7. Paper Planes - M.I.A
8. The Climb - Miley Cyrus
9. Poker Face - Lady Gaga
10. Boom Boom Poww - Black Eye Peas
11. Love Sex Magic - Ciara featuring Justin Timberlake
12. Beautiful - Akon, Colby O'Donis, Kardinal Offishall
HOT News!!!
Amazing Place (Part 1)

Belize is a country in Central America. Once part of the Mayan and Spanish Empires, it was most recently affiliated with the British Empire, prior to gaining its independence in 1981. The country is bordered to the north by Mexico, to the west by Guatemala, and to the east and south-east by the Caribbean.
One of amazing place in the world, we all can't deny that we wished and could come there one
Belize is presenting an adventurer's paradise, Belize: Maya temples tower above rain forest canopies while an incredibly colorful array of marine wildlife find protection in Belize's Great Barrier Reef.
Every destination in Belize has its share of archaeological and national parks, marine and nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries. Each of these protected areas is packed with opportunities for adventure.

Earth Hour Day
"toh tak seberapa listriknya, lagian gue juga yang bayar".Taukah kalian bahwa untuk mendapatkan listrik dibutuhkan fosil seperti batubara yang juga menghasilkan emisi karbon yang berbahaya bagi kelangsungan hidup di bumi. Thats why, banyak banget yang bilang kalo kita harus mengurangi emisi karbon yang kita keluarkan. Karena kita lah penghasil emisi karbon di bumi. Setiap manusia mempunyai tanggung jawab dan kewajiban untuk menyelamatkan bumi.
Dengan ikut Earth hour day kita juga turut mengurangi penggunaan fosil yang dipakai untuk menghasilkan listrik. Karena fosil tidak bisa diperbaharui lagi dan kita harus berhemat agar kelak anak cucu atau generasi berikutnya dapat merasakan. Mulai lah untuk mengurangi penggunaan listrik dari diri sendiri. Misalnya, matikan tv ketika tidur karena zaman sekarang bukan lagi orang yang menonton tv tetapi tv yang menonton orang. Kebiasaan buruk yang melanda orang-orang saat ini, lalu mematikan lampu jika kita meninggalkan ruangan, mematikan stop kontak tv atau radio ketika tidak digunakan. SO START YOUR LIFE NOW TO THINK ABOUT YOUR NEXT GENERATION
Earth Hour 2009 Set To Switch Off The Globe
* 377 cities already committed, and double the number of countries that participated in 2008
* Archbishop Desmond Tutu leads call for action on climate change
* Christ The Redeemer statue to turn off its lights
* Iconic Obama artist Shepard Fairey joins campaign
February 5, 2009: With eight weeks still to go before people around the world switch off their lights for Earth Hour, the public awareness raising campaign on climate change is showing signs of being the greatest voluntary action the world has ever witnessed.
The lights out initiative, which began in Sydney in 2007 as a one-city environmental campaign, has evolved into a grassroots action that has captured the attention of the citizens of the world. In 2008, 371 cities across 35 countries turned their lights out in a united call for action on climate change.
Now, with almost two months still remaining before Earth Hour 2009, that number has already been eclipsed, with 377 cities across 74 countries now committed to turning off their lights for one hour at 8.30pm on 28 March.
WWF Director General, Mr James Leape, said he is optimistic about the campaigns potential to drive key decision making on the issue of climate change.
With hundreds more cities expected to sign up to switch off in the coming months, Earth Hour 2009 is setting the platform for an unprecedented global mandate for action on climate change, he said.
The list of cities confirming their participation in Earth Hour 2009 includes 37 national capitals and some of the great cities of the world, including London, Beijing, Rome, Moscow, Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro, Hong Kong, Dubai, Singapore, Athens, Buenos Aires, Toronto, Sydney, Mexico City, Istanbul, Copenhagen, Manila, Las Vegas, Brussels, Cape Town and Helsinki.
Along with the great metropolises of the world, Earth Hour 2009 will also see the lights go out on some of the most recognised landmarks on the planet, including Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Table Mountain in Cape Town, Merlion in Singapore, Sydney Opera House, CN Tower in Toronto, Millennium Stadium in Cardiff and the worldís tallest constructed building Taipei 101.
A host of high profile ambassadors across the world have also lent their support to the campaign, most notably Nobel Peace Prize recipient Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Academy Award-winning actress Cate Blanchett. Shepard Fairey, the artist who created the iconic imagery for Barack Obama in the recent US Presidential Election, has agreed to create artwork for the Earth Hour campaign.
Earth Hour Executive Director, Mr Andy Ridley, said the 2009 campaign is an opportunity for the people of the world to cast their vote on this important global issue.
Earth Hour by its very nature is the essence of grassroots action. This is the opportunity for individuals from all corners of the globe to unite in a single voice and demand action on climate change, said Mr Ridley.
2009 is a critical year for action on climate change, with the worldís leaders due to meet at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December to sign a new deal to supersede the Kyoto Protocol.
This year, Earth Hour has been transformed into the world’s first global election, between Earth and global warming.
For the first time in history, people of all ages, nationalities, race and background have the opportunity to use their light switch as their vote – Switching off your lights is a vote for Earth, or leaving them on is a vote for global warming. WWF are urging the world to VOTE EARTH and reach the target of 1 billion votes, which will be presented to world leaders at the Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 2009.
This meeting will determine official government policies to take action against global warming, which will replace the Kyoto Protocol. It is the chance for the people of the world to make their voice heard.
Earth Hour began in Sydney in 2007, when 2.2 million homes and businesses switched off their lights for one hour. In 2008 the message had grown into a global sustainability movement, with 50 million people switching off their lights. Global landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome’s Colosseum, the Sydney Opera House and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square all stood in darkness.
In 2009, Earth Hour is being taken to the next level, with the goal of 1 billion people switching off their lights as part of a global vote. Unlike any election in history, it is not about what country you’re from, but instead, what planet you’re from. VOTE EARTH is a global call to action for every individual, every business, and every community. A call to stand up and take control over the future of our planet. Over 74 countries and territories have pledged their support to VOTE EARTH during Earth Hour 2009, and this number is growing everyday.
We all have a vote, and every single vote counts. Together we can take control of the future of our planet, for future generations.
VOTE EARTH by simply switching off your lights for one hour, and join the world for Earth Hour.
Saturday, March 28, 8:30-9:30pm.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
When i'm trying to be a vegetarian

Even if you don't know any vegetarians yourself, you've probably heard the term. What exactly does it mean? What foods do they and don't they eat? The answers are here!
In general, a vegetarian is someone whose diet does not include certain animal products. There are five main types of vegetarians:
1.Semi-Vegetarians aka Flexitarians
Semi-vegetarians limit their intake of either certain types of meat or the amount of meat. For example, they might eat no red or white meat (beef, pork, venison, etc), but eat fowl and fish. Or they might only eat meat once or twice a week. Someone who only eats fish can also be called a pescatarian. (Purists would say that semi-vegetarians are not vegetarians at all, but I have included them in order to show the complete hierarchy.)
2.Ovo-Lacto Vegetarians
The most common type, ovo-lacto vegetarians do not eat any animals, but do eat eggs and dairy products.
* Ovo vegetarians (eat eggs but not dairy)
* Lacto vegetarians (eat dairy but not eggs)
Vegans eat no animal products - no eggs, no dairy, no honey, etc.
4.Raw/Living Foodists
Raw or Living Foodists eat only raw food, because enzymes are destroyed by normal cooking processes.
Fruitarians eat only fruit, fruit-like vegetables (e.g., tomatoes, cucumbers), and sometimes seeds and nuts.
"I didn't eat meat almost 2 years, I'm Pescatarian, only eat fish...First time, just curious and want to know hows vegetarian and also fed up with chicken...i said to my mom that i want to try to be a vegetarian. But its hard for me to not eat fish or seafood coz seafood is my favorite food. u kno wat that animals actually have feeling like human, i watched a video about animals' slaughter in slaughterhouse or butcher place...i was crying when i saw can people killing animals ONLY to kill their hunger??! oh my goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! i'm sorry to say this but its true that if u wanna healthier u have to stop to consume meats. at least, only consume seafood, like that, u can save energy to be a vegetarian. Why? coz Meat needs more energy in producing process. Nowadays, $19 the energy consumption in America to produce and supply foods. Meat and junk food needs more energy than vegetables, fruits and rice. So, the effective way to save energy is VEGETARIAN".

In Thai with English and Chinese subtitles
Genre: Horror/Thriller
Director: Sophon Sakdapisit
Cast: Chantavit Dhanasevi, Vorakarn Rojjanavatchra
RunTime: 1 hr 25 mins
Released By: GV
Rating: NC-16
Official Website:
Opening Day: 12 March 2009
What kind of scenes in a horror film scares you the most?
When a ghost appears totally unexpectedly?
When the main character does not see the ghost lurking up behind him?
When at the very end you find out that the main character was actually a ghost all along?
None of this compares to the feeling of arriving home alone and suddenly being struck by a feeling of déjà vu that you are reenacting the very same scenes in the horror movie you just saw!
This movie will scare you from the second you step inside the movie theatre. It will get you wondering if “something” or “someone” might be waiting for you to let your guard down.
The horror movie that you just saw is about to happen to you in real life!

This movie is an action-thriller with strong elements that explores the life of a rich businessman, Sanjay Singhania, who suffers from anterogade amnesia following a violent encounter in which his love interest, actress Kalpana, was killed. Sanjay Singhania tries to avenge the killing with the aid of Polaroid instant camera photographs and permanent tattoos on his body.
It is great movie that full of action and romantic elements which two things that very different. The story is awesome coz we can't guess the ending.
Cast :
Aamir Khan as Sanjay Singhania
Asin Thottumkal as Kalpana
Jiah Khan as Sunita
Pradeep Rawat as Ghajini Dharmatma
Riyaz Khan as Fawaz
Notes : " I like Ghajini's song, Kaise Muhje and Guzarish....its really wonderful song. The songs composed by A.R. Rahman, who won Oscar 2009 in Slumdog Millionaire".
Friday, March 13, 2009
Track Record Capres & Cawapres
Rusaknya Kertas Surat Suara
Pemilu tinggal beberapa hari lagi. Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) telah melakukan berbagai persiapan agar pemilu ini berjalan lancar. Salah satunya adalah persiapan pemenuhan
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
When Ben is trying to talk...
gue ngerasa tuh lagu gue banget tuk saat ini...hahahahaha
Aku ingin menjadi SETITIK AWAN KECIL dinadi
Bersama mentari
WALAUPUN KU SENDIRI tapi aku masih ada
Kadang aku merindukan
Ingin ku curahkan semua
Semua hasrat dijiwa
Yang t'lah lama KU PENDAM!!!!!