yeah...shes my gorgeous lovely mom...

She asked,"Ben...wheres ur boyfriend ah???"
OMG!!! should i answer that question ah???
but finally, i just laughed and gave my BIG smile to lol lol
Talking to my mom about my LOVE is very sensitive, especially for me.
Although, i have questions and too shy to ask her about this.
well, i kno tat shes trying to support me...
but actually, i dun even care with my LOVE...coz, for me, my biggest LOVE is for My Gorgeous mom and my Great dad...
I dun want give My LOVE to a person easily...through i right???
When my mom was young...shes so popular and very beautiful at her school...shes also talented(or maybe i should say that SHES SUPER TALENTED). So many people like her or maybe LOVE her...and i shocked when she said that 22 man waiting for her to get her LOVE!!!
once again, OMG!!!
i took deep breath and stay lol lol
well, wat a lucky man for my dad to get her LOVE!!!
She said that i have to look for RICH LOVE man, a man that rich of LOVE to me (or maybe rich of lol lol...secara hari gini mo idup cuma bermodalkan CINTA is bullshit man!!! am i right???") but it doesnt mean tat i'm materialistic...i'm not rich...but i wanna rich with my own way, with my mao 'minta' dari mahluk 'PRIA'
another thing tat we have to concern is about his personality...very important!!!
Is he good enough???is he friendly??? or Is he psycho??? hahahahha....
personality is really important...
wat if u love someone with bad personality???
comment lol lol
(cryin mode on*)...
iya bena.. hihi sama kaya gw.. gw juga begitu paling males klo nyokap nanya in ttg masalah percintaan gw.. inti nya 50% mencari topik lain 45% menghindar dan 5% sisanya ngomongin ttg my boyfriend tapi ga jelas.. heheh ga tau gw merasa ga nyaman aja klo ngomong begitu an.. hihihi
bena jadi follower ayu dong.. trus kasi comment juga yang banyak di LION DOG article, ok ok
@ ayu : okeh yuuuu
bena it's so touching how you love your mom and dad, your mom was really famous then, have you ever imagined a line of people queuing for you?hehe
hahaha. sabar bena. tandanya nyok lo sayang sm lo. bener dunk nyok lo blg cari co kayak gitu, yg penuh cinta, ya klo hartanya penuh sama genteng ya anggap aja bonus. hehe
ayo komen di
@ Mulan : Thanks mulan....
hahhaha yes my mom sooooooo famous!!!
moms know best honey ..
but i've told you about how i pick guys right?
honey, sometimes u just need to have FUN! don't need to fall in love right away, you know ?
@ mulan : queuing for me???whos tat????hahahaha
@ Rachel : hahaha...selalu sabar kok...hehe...iyah hope to get the BONUS nya...hehehe
@ chacca : iyah cha...hehehe thanks ye...
bena..gue juga ditanyain macam begitu sama mak gue..
gara2 beberapa malam minggu terakhir gue dirumah sementara kakak dan adik gue pergi pacaran.
pertanyaan yang bikin kuping gatel~~
@ Bule : hahaha...masih mending 2 minggu terakhir...gue tiap minggu pun dirumah...hahahhahaha
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