RIHANNA's Gun Tattoo
Rihanna has been in the news a lot lately because of an alleged altercation with boyfriend Chris Brown last month. The gun tattoo represents strength and power. Initially, the duo wanted to put the tattoo below her shoulders near her armpits.
Rihanna keep rockin!!!
well, wat do u think about her n her bf now?
apa artiny neh gin, kok dy tato d sana? mang kliatan ap?hehehehe....
SYL-VIA PR 11 - 2C
comment ya??THX
waw...Rihanna kayanya siap ancang2 senapan nh kl ada kejadian ribut lg....hehehehehhe
@ Sylvia : ga tao yah arti dia nato disananya...dia nya ga kasih tau gue sih artinya.....hahaha....mungkin dia mo nutupin senjatanya, pas dibutuhkan senjatanya dia tinggal angkat tangan aja...hihihi
@ Ellyna : iya na....makanya jangan macam2 ma my sista...hahaha
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